Here’s how it works
We are an independent company, which allows us to use the best Inspection method and network for each specific shipment. Different types of goods, weights, priorities, and destinations all have different requirements. So no need for you to walk into the jungle of tariffs and hidden costs. We do it for you.
We take care of delivery notes, custom papers and all other the paperwork that you can ever think of. 100% correct documentation greatly reduces the risk of delays and lost shipments.
We work hard & smart for each shipment. Of course, you are welcome to visit us in our office, but we recommend a quick mail or call to our helpful and friendly team, and they will tell you in no time what status your shipment has. We love when our customers call us! That is usually the most efficient way of handling stuff (even in the 21st online century). And we promise that we don’t use one of those dreadful speech-enabled self-service systems that no one seems to like anyway.